Access control readers and credentials
The next generation of access control readers and credentials
Countering evolving security threats is now easy
Security threats continue to evolve. Technology has also matured and counters this increased risk. Yet most organisations continue to use legacy access control credentialing technologies. This presents increased vulnerabilities and the threat requires modern technology solutions that meets this dynamic threat now and in the future.
Existing credentials, readers and controllers must be integrated, since replacing everything is logistically and financially impractical.
How do you transition Casi-Rusco, AWID or HID prox to a modern secure reading technology? You need a supplier that has the know-how and expertise to analyse your existing access control credentialing system and create solutions to manage the required transition.
Move your access control system to the next era, choose deister to help you create and manage the transition to an optimally secure credentialing system.
What would you like to do?
Keep and integrate your existing credentials
and readers with new credential technology
Next Generation Access Control Credentialing Systems
Easy and secure management of your access control system
With deister engage future-proof security; best-in-class product quality made in Germany; and fully integrated management of your system and its security. We adhere to best practices for secure encryption, to widely reviewed open standards and data protection, and provide a new level of user convenience to employees and administrators. See benefits on the right side.
Our system design is a unique layered security approach using stringent best practices for data protection. deister uses only the current best open global standard technologies to offer the highest level of data and privacy protection such as Mifare DESFire EV1/2 (embodying AES) credentials and compliant readers; and OSDP2 as the protocol between reader and controller. Different options including smartframe, deBus and/or transparent reader mode offer additional security.
- Secure key management of your system’s encryption keys, giving you complete control over the system while enabling easy management of readers and credentials
- Mutual authentication between the reader and the credential, providing best-in-class message integrity protection
- Open global standards that are regularly reviewed, checked and verified by official authorities (including NIST) to offer you the most effective level of security possible
- Proper implementation of technology and encryption embodied in a cohesive process design to avoid security breaches in the operation and management of your access control system
Smartframe® is a cryptographically protected data model for the secure storage of your user ID and further identity data. It is a portable ID that can be programmed on any credential, from ID cards and fobs to mobile credentials on your smartphone.

Transparent Reader Mode
Readers are, by necessity, placed in insecure areas and offer an opportunity to break into the system. Take out all sensitive information and data from the reader; embed those functions into another device which is connected via an encrypted channel to the reader but located in a secure area, that is the cipher box®. The reader then works in transparent mode, it only channels through the credential’s encrypted data to the cipher box®, which decrypts the credential data and forwards the plain data to the controller. The reader no longer creates a vulnerability.

With deister you have the flexibility to select communication protocols and present a consistent interface to the access control reader. deBus is a similar but more secure option compared to OSDP and also works on a RS485 interface.

Your own Cipher Card, uniquely yours
The Cipher Card™ is a unique security concept that makes management of your Access Control System easy while maintaining
the highest level of security. A simple card, the Cipher Card™, replaces unstable passwords or other cumbersome security measures.
The Cipher Card™ holds your system’s unique security data and enables authorisation of readers and creation of identification media or smartcards. With your very own unique Cipher Card™ you remain independent of any supplier – even from us (what other technology supplier provides you the means of establishing independence?) – and management and installation of your system becomes easy, fast, and totally protected from exposure of your critical encryption key(s). You possess full control over your system.
Managed by deister
deister securely keeps your Cipher Card™ for you and conveniently manages the production of ID cards and the provisioning of readers.

You receive and manage your own Cipher Card™ yourself to enjoy maximum independence and control over your system.

Project Management and Consulting
We can support and simplify your project in a range of ways including defining an employee card; choosing the best secure technologies; conducting a technical review (Hardware, Software) or evaluating new business/use cases and opportunities.
deister’s long standing expertise lowers your project risks significantly, no matter if you are a system operator, system supplier or end user of a system.
Migrate and integrate your existing
The Legacy Connect Service by deister
Your credential technology should ensure that your cards and readers are not the weakest link in the security chain. Unfortunately, decades-old credential technology is still in use in many organisations. But, contrary to popular opinion the transition to a modern technology does not have to be difficult nor impose a huge cost. We are true experts in RFID, having invented or co-invented many of today’s popular RFID standards and protocols such as Mifare, OSDP, Casi-Rusco, OSS and many more. That helps us to help you migrate from old technologies to a modern secure and cost-effective technology. With our Legacy Connect Service we help you find the best cost-effective way to upgrade your access control system from where it is now to where you want it to be.
We consult with you to choose the best secure credential technology for your security profile and show you how to implement the processes of credential management and credential production properly to avoid security breaches. Our Triple Technology™ readers support a seamless transition to a new credential technology where old credentials can either be updated on the go through our readers or exchanged during normal operation of your organisation while old credentials are still being used in parallel.
Mobile Credentials
The future is now. Integrate mobile phones and use our trusted cloud services to make your access control system future proof. All our current reader and wireless readers offer Bluetooth connectivity and we offer retrofit adapters to enable existing readers to communicate via Bluetooth as well.
Our Infinity Readers™ are Triple Technology™ readers which can read up to 3 different reading technologies. Thus both card credentials and mobile credentials can be used with the same reader. Also Triple Technology™ supports the seamless transition from old to new technology without interrupting your daily operation. Infinity Readers™ may be the last readers you’ll ever need.
Manage the transition

You already have an access control system, but your readers, cards or technology are no longer available or are outdated. We help you manage the transition and integrate your existing system in a cost-effective way.
All we need is some of your existing cards and some basic information about your system and we will create a transition reader that works with your existing system and seamlessly take you and your organisation to the new technology.
Information about your system is nowhere to be found, you are missing the information or your former supplier has let you down? No problem, we will get it fixed for you. Our experts know how to ask the right questions and how to analyse cards and readers with our specialised technical equipment.
You want to transition – we will help you to get it done!

deister Connect
deisterConnect supports new mobile services like the sharing economy, mobile access, system as a service or remote management. It’s a new generation of services that enables smartphones or smartwatches to become anything: a door opener, a management tool for smart storage, your credential to get access to an asset, a gate opener and much more. Mobile credentials which contain the user’s access rights are securely generated in the deisterCloud and can be brought onto smart devices – at the touch of a button.
Part of deisterConnect is the deisterTrustcenter, which is a trusted cloud service for the secure creation and instant deployment of mobile credentials onto smart devices. It is a security enabler for any of those mobile services and addresses their current and future need for security against hacker attacks or cyber crime.
All the rights of a contactless card or any other kind credential can be brought onto mobile devices in one smart app: deisterWallet. This is the central app for all mobile credentials, hosting all of the user’s access rights to services, doors or other devices. deisterWallet features secure connection to the deisterCloud and supported devices, and also supports an offline mode in case connection to the network is interrupted.
Infinity Readers™
Our Infinity Reader™ series are Triple Technology™ readers that can read 125kHz, 13.56MHz and provide an extra interface for a third reading technology of choice, e.g. Bluetooth.
All Infinity Readers™ support remote firmware updates. Furthermore, also new sets of custom encryption keys and interface configurations can also be remotely uploaded to the reader – even when the reader is already installed and in operation.
Since technology is advancing rapidly it is vital to have a flexible reader that provides interfaces and options to remain future-proof. The Infinity Reader™ series with its support for various parallel reading technologies and an open interface to connect a third (future) technology enable your access control system to stay future proof, it may be the last reader you will ever need.

Wireless readers
Strong mechanical designs, very long battery life of up to 5 years and a modular technology concept that allows adaptation of future reading technologies make our wireless readers the best choice for reliable operation and quick return on invest.
The large portfolio of different formats makes it easy to choose the best solution for any door. The portfolio covers everything from handles, locks, cylinders, server rack handles to wireless reader modules. Different operating modes such as deister Cardnet (data stored on card) or deister Local Data (data stored in wireless reader) allow to integrate the wireless readers to best suit your requirements.
One Standard – OSS
As one of the founding members we support and help to develop the strong open standard for wireless access control. From our software, ID cards, wireless locks to online readers we are fully compliant with OSS.
If you have multiple sites, maybe even in several countries and want one standard to manage it all even across several suppliers? Then OSS might be the right choice for you.
With deister and OSS you have the best of both worlds: deister‘s renown product quality and the independence of an open standard.
Hoffnungsgemeinde Barsinghausen
To improve the effectiveness, transparency and security, the Hoffnungsgemeinde Community Centre in Barsinghausen has opted for modern key management and intelligent access control.
Intelligent tailor-made building security
The Hafven – Hanover’s innovative, combined co-working space with its Maker Area – relies on an intelligent and comprehensive single source security solution from deister electronic.
Community housing Vienna
Together with GemiTeam and ACONDA Systems, a complete electronic access control solution with scheduling for all laundry rooms of the Viennese housing association was realized.